The Plan Formulation wing plays a vital role in the development and augmentation of water resources in the State. Pre-feasibility studies through investigations are being conducted in order to formulate and develop Major, Medium, and Minor Irrigation Schemes, River Inter-Linking Schemes, etc. For technically feasible schemes, Detailed Project Reports are being prepared. This wing recommends detailed estimates to the Government for the works proposed by the Regional Chief Engineers, as required.
In addition, this wing acts as a Nodal Agency to obtain funds under the National Agricultural Bank for Rural Development (NABARD), National Agriculture Development Programme (NADP), Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), etc.
Furthermore, environmental activities related to TNIAMP and State-funded schemes are also being carried out by the three Environmental Cell divisions, functioning under the control of the Plan Formulation Circle, Salem.