The Soil Mechanics and Research Laboratories functioning at Taramani, Chennai offer Technical Consultancy Services on chargeable basis in analyzing the soil characteristics, testing of concrete and analyzing the chemical properties of construction materials.
The details of the tests carried out, the charges and duration are:
S.No | Description | Testing Charges in Rs | Unit | Duration |
Field Tests | ||||
1. | Conducting Boring operation (Hand Auger) including Standard Penetration Test (SPT) up to 10m in depth from ground level excluding the transportation of the equipments and labour for conducting the test | 25000 | Per Bore | 15 days |
2. | Static/Dynamic Cone Penetro meter test (SCPT/DCPT) up to 10m depth from ground level excluding the transportation of the equipments and labour for conducting the test | 20,000 | Per Point | 15 days |
3. | Field permeability test excluding the transportation of the equipments and labour for conducting the test | 4,000 | Per Point | 7 days |
4. | Field Density and moisture content | 3,000 | Per Point | 3 days |
5. | Collection of UDS using hand auger upto a depth of 6 m excluding the transportation of the equipments and labour for conducting the test. | 6000 | per point | 10 days |
Laboratory Tests | ||||
6. | Routine Lab Test (GSA, Atterberg limits) | 15000 | Per Sample | 10 days |
7. | Direct Shear Test | 8000 | Per Sample | 7 days |
8. | Unconfined Compressive Strength(UCC) Test | 5000 | Per Sample | 7 days |
9. | Triaxial Shear Test | |||
i. | Unconsolidated Undrained test (without pore pressure measurement) | 10,000 | Per Sample | 5 days |
ii. | Consolidated Undrained test (with pore pressure measurement) | 20,000 | Per Sample | 20 days |
iii. | Consolidated drained test pervious sample | 15,000 | Per Sample | 30 days |
iv. | Consolidated drained test impervious sample | 35,000 | Per Sample | 45 days |
10. | Lab Permeability Test | 7,500 | Per Sample | 7 days |
11. | Consolidation Test | 17,000 | Per Sample | 15 days |
12. | Proctor Compaction Test | |||
i. | Standard Proctor Compaction Test | 10,000 | per Sample | 7 days |
ii. | Modified Proctor Compaction Test | 15,000 | per Sample | 7 days |
13. | Differential Free Swell Test | 3,000 | per Sample | 3 days |
14. | Swell Pressure Test | 10,000 | per Sample | 15 days |
15. | Natural Moisture Content | 2,000 | per Sample | 5 days |
16. | Relative Density Test | 10,000 | Per Sample | 3 days |
17. | California Bearing Ratio Test | 9,000 | per Sample | 7 days |
18. | Dry Sieve analysis | 4,000 | per Sample | 5 days |
19 | Specific gravity | 3,000 | per Sample | 3 days |
20 | Double hydrometer analysis | 6,000 | per Sample | 5 days |
21. | Pin hole test | 5000 | per Sample | 3 days |
22. | Crumb test | 4,000 | per Sample | 3 days |
23 | Pocket penetrometer test | 1500 | per Sample | 3 days |
S.No | Description | Testing Charges in Rs | Unit | Duration |
1 | Chemical analysis on Cement | OPC - 20000 , PPC - 12000 , PSC - 20000 | per sample | 7 days |
2 | Chemical analysis on Lime | 20000 | per sample | 7 days |
3 | Chemical analysis on Water | 19000 | per sample | 3 days |
4 | Chemical analysis on Surki/ Fly ash | 20000 | per sample | 7 days |
5 | Chemical analysis on Sand / CS-sand | 30000 | per sample | 7 days |
6 | Chemical analysis on Soil | 30000 | per sample | 7 days |
7 | Chemical analysis on Mortar | 25000 | per sample | 7 days |
8 | Chemical analysis on Rock Sample | 30000 | per sample | 7 days |
9 | Chemical Analysis on Water for construction purposes (4 parameter) | 10000 | per sample | 3 days |
10 | Chemical Analysis on Water for Drinking, Domestic and Industrial purposes (6 parameter ) | 12000 | per sample | 3 days |
11 | Chemical Analysis on soil and sand for corrosive nature (5 parameter ) | 10000 | per sample | 7 days |
12 | Any one parameter | |||
i. | Water | 1500 | Per sample | 3 Days |
ii | Other materials | 2000 | Per sample | 3 Days |
13 | Dispersive Characteristics of Soil | 10000 | Per sample | 3 Days |
14 | Alkali Aggregate Reactivity | 15000 | Per sample | 5 Days |
15 | Lime sample for Calcium content | 2000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
16 | Chemical Analysis on seepage water | 15000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
17 | Alkali content in Materials of construction | 4000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
18 | Determination of Organic impurities | 3000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
19 | Loss on Ignition | 5000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
20 | Chemical Analysis on Sand for construction purposes (pH, Soluble salts, sulphates, Chlorides, Organic Matter, Loss on ignition, Alkali content) | 15000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
21 | Determination of Calcium Carbonate content in Soil | 3000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
22 | Determination of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) | 2000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
23 | Determination of Turbidity | 2000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
24 | Chemical Analysis on P Sand for construction purposes (pH, Soluble salts, sulphates, Chlorides, Organic Matter, Loss on ignition, Alkali content) | 15000 | Per sample | 2 Days |
S.No | Description | Testing Charges in Rs | Unit | Duration |
I Field Test | ||||
1 | Rebound Hammer Test | 18,000 | Per location | 7 Days |
2 | Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test | 18,000 | Per location | 7 Days |
3 | Core cutting and Compression Test (upto 5 samples) | 18000/ location & 3600 / every additional sample | Per location | 15 Days |
II Laboratory Test | ||||
1 | Concrete Compressive Strength Test | 1700 / set of 3 cubes | set of 3 cubes | 2 Days |
2 | Tests on steel viz, Tensile Strength, Specific Weight, Percentage of Elongation, 0.2% proof stress | 2,400 | Per Sample | 2 Days |
3 | Tests on Coarse Aggregate | |||
a) | Sieve Analysis | 1,800 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
b) | Specific Gravity & Water Absorption | 1,000 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
c) | Abrasion Test | 2,300 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
d) | Crushing Test | 2,300 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
e) | Impact Test | 1,500 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
4 | Tests on Fine Aggregate | |||
a) | Sieve Analysis | 1,800 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
b) | Specific Gravity & Water Absorption | 1,800 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
c) | Silt & Clay | 1,000 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
d) | Organic Impurities | 1,500 | Per Sample | 3 Days |
5 | Tests on Cement viz., Consistency, Initial Setting time and final setting time, Compressive Strength, Soundness | 11,500 | Per Sample | 40 Days |
6 | Tests on Bricks viz., Efflorescence, Water Absorption, Compressive Strength | 6,000 | Per Sample | 10 Days |
7 | Tests on Fly Ash Bricks viz., Efflorescence, Water Absorption, Compressive strength | 6,000 | Per Sample | 10 Days |
8 | Concrete Mix Design | 34,000 | Per Sample | 40 Days |
9 | Tests on Pressed Tiles Water Absorption & Flexural Strength | 6,000 | Per Sample | 7 Days |
10 | Physical properties of lime | 6,000 | Per Sample | 30 Days |
11 | Lime reactivity test on fly ash | 6,000 | Per Sample | 30 Days |